SAM.GOV: the master registration
You can register for free! Beware of scams trying to get you to pay for registration! You do not need to pay a company to register your or to…
You can register for free! Beware of scams trying to get you to pay for registration! You do not need to pay a company to register your or to…
Deciding which program — SBIR or STTR — is appropriate for you and your proposal is one of the first tasks when preparing to apply for funding. Each program has…
The specific aims page is a critical page in an SBIR/STTR application. The aims page should be treated as a standalone page from which a reviewer can gain a reasonable understanding…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a great source of funding for many small businesses. However, before you submit a full Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal, your Project Pitch must be…
One of the first steps in your Phase I SBIR/STTR journey is to decide what your small business would like to accomplish over the course of the project. It is…
The beating heart of the SBIR/STTR proposal is the Research Plan, a 6-20 page document that describes in detail your product development approach and rationale. While each agency has its…
Rigor and reproducibility has been a major topic in biomedical, physical, and social science research as scientists have recognized the importance of thoroughness and independent reproducibility. Beginning January 2019, the…
SBIR/STTR applicants are encouraged to provide Letters of Support in their applications. For first time applicants, it may not be entirely clear what the purpose of these letters are or…
What budget-related documents are required for Phase I and Phase II proposals? Whether you are submitting a Phase I or Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal, you must provide detailed information on…
Funding through the SBIR/STTR program can be used to support clinical trials of a variety of biomedical technology and products and can be leveraged to obtain regulatory approvals and attract…