SBIR Land Home Forums Institute & Agency Questions ARPA-H SBIR vs BAA

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    What are the main differences in the process of applying to an ARPA-H SBIR vs the ARPA-H BAA? Is contact with a program manager required/recommended prior to submission? Also, if you have information on how this process compares to an HHS SBIR that would be helpful.


    Hi there. Thank you for your question. ARPA-H is an exciting new funding opportunity. Unfortunately, the ARPA-H SBIR solicitation expired July 13. It is unclear if this solicitation will be renewed in 2024.

    For the ARPA-H BAA, the first step is the submission of an abstract, which consists of a cover page, a 3-page research proposal, and a 1-page budget page. The agency will review that abstract and then invite you to submit a full proposal if they are interested in your project.

    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

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