SBIR Land Home Forums Grant Accounting & Management How/when to invoice for STTR expenses so we can plan for cash flow management

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    We are looking to apply for an STTR grant (NIAID) with an academic collaborator. We are clear on our budget, but we would like to know how payments will occur, assuming we get funded.
    1. Is it possible to invoice for start-up costs when project starts?
    2. Or do we invoice for expenses incurred?
    3. Can we invoice monthly?
    Thank you!


    Thanks Sophie. These are often asked questions.
    NIH STTR awards are typically based on cost reimbursement.
    If you have project related costs incurred 90 days before the project start date, you can still invoice for those expenses.
    You should have incurred all cost before invoicing the award.
    There is no restriction on when you invoice.

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