SBIR Land Home Forums General SBIR/STTR Question Forum Can I change the company entity for Phase 2 application

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    For some reason, we want to change to Phase 2 as a different Small Business Entity, is that OK?


    Yes, this is possible. It is important that you discuss this with your program officer.


    Although I am logged in I am unable to post a new question so I am putting the question here: For an NIH SBIR application is a separate equipment document REQUIRED or can I place the information in the facilities document and not upload a separate equipment document?


    Thank you for your question. Many people combine their Facilities and Equipment documents into one and upload that document to the Facilities line in ASSIST without a problem. In ASSIST, the Facilities line requires a document to be uploaded, whereas the Equipment line does not require an uploaded document. However, the SBIR/STTR instructions state that both the Facilities and Equipment documents are required ( However, I have not been able to find any NIH instructions that state that the Facilities and Equipment documents can be combined, even though most people do it without problem.

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