SBIR Land Home Forums General SBIR/STTR Question Forum 2 Small Biz apply jointly for an SBIR

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    Hi EGC
    Is it possible for 2 small businesses to jointly apply for an SBIR? I know of universities that could be a subawardee, but how about the case of a second small business joiing the first main small business applicant?
    I figure it can be a multi-PI with a PI from each small biz. But the main question is – how would the budget work out between the 2 small businesses to share in the directs and indirects?



    Hi Shoba, it is not recommended for two small businesses to jointly apply for an SBIR, as there may be issues later on with IP ownership. If a collaborator is necessary for a project, please consider a research institution as the subaward. Let us know if you have additional questions. -Lu


    Hi EGC
    In case one small biz is providing services to the other small biz, there would not be any IP conflict. Alternatively there could be a clear written understandng on IP ownership established in advance. In either of those cases, can the two small businesses apply together, and how would the budget sharing work out?


    Hi Shoba,
    What you are describing sounds like a small business providing a fee-for-service to the applicant or serving as a sub-contract on the application. In either of these cases, it would be single entity serving as the applicant. Please feel free to clarify further if this does not address your situation.

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